To get a system & equipment cost, please select the system that Closely matches the kWh of Energy you Consume each Day OR the kWh of Energy you want to Generate per Day, as that information save our time asking you multiple questions !
Please Note: We offer Energy Storage Systems (ESS), and Dual Axis-solar Radiation Tracking (DART) Units!
The Main point to Remember: DART Racking require 50% less Solar Panels to Generate the same Energy as common Cave-Man Fixed Roof or Ground mounted Solar Panel Racking;
- A single DART-8 Unit fitted with 8x 700W solar panels (5.6kW) x 10 hours Sun Generates 56kWh/p Energy per Day.
- Where Fixed Tilted Racking with 8x 700W solar panels will struggle to Generate 28kWh/p Energy per Day, largely due to only Generate maximum 2 hours of Peak Energy in Summer, and even less in Winter.
Select the link below that closely matches your Energy needs;
Residential Micro Power Grid Evaluation
This evaluation Form covers 95% of Residential & Semi-commercial premises that Consume from 10kWh to under 100kWh of Energy per Day !
Semi-Commercial 100kW Solar Farm Evaluation
This evaluation Form is for a 100kW DART Solar Farm that with 10 hours of full sunlight will Generate 1'000kWh (1MWh) of Energy in 10 hours. A 100kW fully installed Solar Farm will Cost approx. *$300'000 to Fully install & commission.
In October 2023 a 100kW Solar Array is still the Largest capacity Solar Array that is eligible to Claim the One-off Government Payment incentive. 100kW Solar Array provides 1'105 STC's with a value $37 per STC =$41'000 when these STC's are Sold under the Small-scale Transmission Certificates (STC) Scheme.
NB: The STC's Scheme is set to end in 2030.
Commercial Solar Farm Investment Evaluation
Solar Farms Larger than 100kW will be selling there Energy via the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), or alternatively can Enter a PPA with an Australian company Power Ledger that allow you sell Your Power directly to the Consumers on your local Distribution network.
FYI: A Commercial DART Solar Array costs approx. One Million Dollars ($1'000'000) per MW, where a Fixed Tilted (FT) Cave-man Solar Racking is substantially Cheaper, unfortunately Customer being Sold FT Racking are being sold the most inefficient Solar Racking available, FT Racking will ONLY Generation 50~60% less energy per year for the next 30 years, than DART Racking !
Solar Arrays over 100KW that do not self consume or store there Energy, commonly sell there excess Energy via the AEMO Market, however a growing number of Prosumers are switching over to an Australian company called Power Ledger, either way this involves signing a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).
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Our incompetent policy making bureaucrats in the energy sector are talking of Charging Residential Solar Owners for Exporting there Excess/un-used energy during what is call "the mid-day power surge", as this over-supply can/is causes power spikes, and could trip a State Grid sub-station to Black-out. It's obvious this problem is caused by lazy solar designers/installers Fitting Fixed most Solar Panel to face just North, instead of spreading the panels exposure between East, North & West!
If you are seriously looking to make an income from investing is a large Solar Farm, we recommend you also research Energy Storage, then you can fully benefit from your investment by Not importing any energy, and only selling your excess stored energy during peak demand times, this is commonly around sunrise and sunset!
Energy Storage can eliminates the need for the Rip-off Retailers, as it gives you the option to self-consumed &/or export any excess energy for a Feed-In Tariff.
To reduce your Return-of-Investment (ROI) payback time, owners of Large Systems over 100kW will need to sign a PPA & sell there Energy via the State Distributors for an agreed Rate.
We consider it's the Governments responsibility to install Energy Storage at there Sub-stations affected by the oversupply from Solar & Wind power, and thus stabilise those Sub-stations affected, unfortunately the bureaucratic imbeciles/cronies put in charge of our Energy sector, have skill sets that talk and do very little, other than waiting for the next pay cheque to arrive !
That's why we sell DART Power stations, as the Return-on-investment (ROI) for a DART system is commonly *25% per year, that equates to 3~4 year ROI, providing FREE Power for the next 30+ years!
Rural people are fast becoming aware of the superior amount of Energy Generated by DART Racking, and in turn DART's require *50% less solar panels than any fixed Roof-Top installation, that why the Payback time on your investment is a lot shorter, another bonus of ground mounted DART's is Cleaning the solar panels, it's way safer & easier than climbing onto a Rooftop !
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* Approx figures based on historic generation figures. |