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  Solar Tracking Systems

  Dual Axis Solar Racking (Best)

  Single Axis Solar Racking (Good)

  Fixed Solar Panel Racking (Cave-man)

  Residential Solar

  Commercial Solar

  Solar Panel Types



  Super Capacitor (SC)

  Nickel Iron (NiFe)

  Lithium Iron (LiFePO4)

  Portable LiFePO4 SOLAR Generator

  RedFlow - Z-Cell (Australian)

  Hydrogen (The Future Energy Storage)

  Energy Charge/Discharge Calculators

  Power (kW) & Energy (kWh) Explained


  YIY Hybrid Inverters (AGS Function)

  LUX Hybrid Inverters (AGS Function)

  BlueSun Hybrid Inverters

  GoodWe Hybrid Inverters

  Huawei Hybrid Inverters

  Growatt Hybrid Inverters

  Fronius Hybrid Inverters

  Alphaess Commercial Inverters

  ATESS Commercial Inverters






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Residential Solar Power Station

The additional expense to purchase a DART unit is recovered quickly as the Return-On-Investment (ROI) is over 25% per year with the additional energy generated by a DART unit, we only sell high quality 550W~700W solar panels !

Dual Axis-solar Radiation Trackers (DART's) are Stare of Art, and provide Superior Energy Generation than ANY other Solar Racking type !

Dual Axis Solar Tracker.

DART-1 Narrow Chassis.

This DART-1 Solar Tracker will Generate 7kWh/p Energy in 10 hours of full sunlight when fitted with 1x 700W Solar Panel.

We Only sell Radiation Tracking that Automatically turns the Racking to face the Brightest area of the Sky, Generating substantially more Energy, in fact a Radiation Tracked will Generate 60% more Energy that any Fixed Tilted Solar Racking over 12 months.

We Stopper using GPS Tracking due to inherent problems associated with difficult programming & GPS Tracking on Cloudy days becomes inefficient as the Racking remains Pointed to where the Sun is behind Clouds !

We are now manufacturing bespoke Mobile DART Solar Power Stations mounted in a Box Trailer, ideal for Tenants that Rent or Lease or use on Work Sites or for Functions, as they can be relocate to there next abode or used as a Mobile Power Station.

This DART unit has been converted into a Mobile DART-3 Unit;

What is required for a Transportable Mobile Micro Power Grid ?

Dual Axis Solar Tracker.

Wide Stand DART-4 Unit.

4 Panel (DART-4) Solar Tracking Unit will Harvest;

  • 22kWh/p per Day fitted with 4x 500W panels.
  • 28kWh/p per Day fitted with 4x 700W panels.

Click here to see the NEW Double Slew DART-4 Design option, the Racking Ground Clearance can be from 30cm.

A DART-4 unit Generates enough Energy for Medium/Large Residential home daily energy consumption !

A DART-4 or DART-6 unit is better suited for small Urban Yards.

Dual Axis Solar Tracker.

Wide Stand DART-8 Unit.

8 Panel DART-8 Solar Tracking Unit will Harvest;

  • 44kWh/p per Day fitted with 8x 500W panels.
  • 56kWh/p per Day fitted with 8x 700W panels.

A DART-8 Unit supplies enough Daily Energy for a large Residential or Semi-Commerecial Energy Consumption.

This size DART unit is more suited to Semi-Rural locations, as a little large for most small Urban Yards.

We don't recommend installing more than a DART-8 Unit in Town or Urban locations, as some Neighbours have nothing better to do that Wing to Council.

As Australia is in a solar "hot zones", a single DART-4 Unit fitted with 4x 500W Panels shown above, Generates 22kWh of solar energy per Day.  That will cover the energy consumption of a premises with a energy bill of $350, &/or may Generate enough energy to cover the cost to pay the over inflated "service fee" to remain State Grid connected.

Please Note: People Renting/Leasing Apartments or Homes, may be interested in purchasing a unique and easily Transportable PV micro grid, especially configured for people who move around between homes & apartments, all without needing body corporate approval.  If interested Click Here to read more.

How much does a Residential Solar Power Station Cost ?

Firstly we Only recommend you purchase a Hybrid (battery) Inverters, as Solar-only Inverters are useless for Energy Storage.

This Unique All-in-One Solar Generator, 6kw Inverter & 5.12kWh Battery Unit Costs *$3'000, it is the easiest Micro Grid to Install, and it can be Automatically be Charged by Solar, Wind Turbine, Vehicle or fuel Generator.

It is simple to calculate a system to suit you energy consumption, so go get your energy bill.

We recommend Installing Dual Axis-solar Radiation Tracking (DART) using a 24V Slew Bearing & Linear actuator.


NB: When it comes to Solar Panels there are 715W Bi-facial Solar Panels with a clear type backing, that Generate up to 20% additional energy from Reflective light, obviously these Panels cost more, they provide 40% increase over 270W panels, and these reduce the break-even Time-line quicker, with the additional Generation is ongoing for the next 25+ years!

The solar world is changing rapidly, so don't be fooled into purchasing 270W panels on the fancy TV adds, unless they confirm they will supply a Hybrid inverter and the installers are going to fit the panels facing North and installed Tilted to your Latitude (Sydney 34°), be aware that the footprint of the 270W panel array may not fit on your roof, if not you will be the one loose long term, largely due to Fixed flat panels and panels not installed to the optimum angle will Generate SIGNIFACANTLY less energy!

That is why we only offer DART (we are currently designing residential roof-top SAT), as both DART & SAT are simply the best at Generation solar energy, if you live in Town & looking to install DART you may need ask what the local council requirements are, this changes from state to state.

If you already have a Solar array that's paid-off, you are in the best situation, as it only takes 1~2 years to pay for the correct sized battery bank based on energy consumption, batteries provide greater return in self consumption, and paid off in electricity savings very quickly, that's why we strongly advise you invest in a battery bank - Any energy not consumed by your premises during the day is sent to your batteries & once charged, excess energy can then be exported into the state grid, where the a measly feed-in rebate may cover the Electricity Retailer "Supply Charges", then the grid is only used to black-out proof your premises.

NB: If you plan to store your excess energy in batteries, it is critical you also invest in a New multi-input Hybrid Inverter - enabling other type of energy generation to be incorporated into a system at any time, standard solar inverters simply can't do that!

Home Grid Pay-back time is discussed here in more detail, and will give you a good understanding of the potential payback period.

Dual-axis trackers capture the full extent of the sun, but are more complex and hence more expensive, DART make more of a difference at greater latitudes (more southerly in Australia) where there is substantial seasonal variation in the sun’s height and arc in the sky.

As a guideline to different installation of 8x 440W solar panels (3.5kWh) will generate the following;

  • Fixed Flat panes (No Tilt) Harvests 15kWh day peak.
  • Fixed Tilted panes @34° Tilt Harvests 20kWh day peak.
  • Single-axis Tracking Harvests 30kWh day peak.
  • Dual Axis Tracking Harvests 40kWh day peak.

Note that Flat-panel installations are only able to Generate Peak energy for approx. 3 hours per day depending on the time of the year and location from the equator, where Single-axis tracking is more efficient, and Dual-axis tracking (DART) will Generate energy over 10hr per day, the further south you are located the better.

A Micro Power Grid with Batteries and Two Axis Tracking can re-pay the initial investment cost in 4~6 years, then the system owned will have an ongoing income for well over 20 years, obviously Batteries are the key part of the system !

We recommend you invest in a multi input Hybrid inverter, it will only cost additional few hundred dollars but will let you control every aspect of your energy production and distribution, these smart hybrid-inverters are designed to handle multi input voltage from several energy sources, such as Solar, Wind, Aqua, Battery and even Generator input, ours also comes with built in Battery charge management that can be programmed to automatic start or shut-down as required !

Old Solar Rebate:

In November 2016 the $0.40~$0.60 per kWh Solar feed-in Tariff ended in Australia, hopefully your Solar array has already paid for itself in reduced energy costs and feed-in Tariff/Rebate.

Now, the quickest way to become energy independent, is to purchase Dual-axis Solar Array and Battery bank to store your energy, that in turn allows you to Generate & stored your energy after hours.  If you don't have a battery bank, you are on the loosing end of the deceptive Electricity Retailer charges, as after hours you are forced to pay over 300% more than the 8c kWh feed-in Tariff form the rip-off electricity Retailers, for energy you use after sunset, a point most people simply don't understand!

The reason most people purchase a larger than needed solar array, was to produce enough kW energy at the current feed-in Tariff to offset/lower their energy bills.  If you already have solar panels, it's a far smarter investment to purchase Batteries, you can calculate the saving/income here in under 2~3 years by purchasing just Batteries !

Investing in a battery bank cost from $800 upwards depending on the technology. It is a lot smarter to Generate energy from your batteries to save you paying 27cents kWh, than export your solar energy to the Retailers @$0.08 cents kWh!

It's also worthwhile checking if there are any state or even local government Rebates available for purchasing solar panels or a battery storage system. For example, Adelaide City Council were providing Rebates of up to $5,000 for customers installing solar panels or a battery storage system.

Click Here for actual System Payback periods


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